Tuesday, 5 June 2007

African-Inspired High-Rise Living

Has anyone heard of The Kalahari, a luxury "green" condo currently under construction on Harlem's 116th street? The exterior of the building is painted with a design from the Ndebele tribe of South Africa whilst inside the apartments boasts recycled bamboo floors and a solor heating system.

I have been following this project and I have got to say that I think it's a positive idea. If the developer's thinking is partly about instilling pride and giving the local community a sense of their heritage, I am all for it. In addition, it is also educating local people about the "green" agenda as this will undoubtly play an important role in the future way we live our lives.

If any developers in the UK are reading this, it wouldn't be a bad idea to develop something like this here in the UK.

To make the building even more authentic, I hope they don't forget to decorate it with African Art!

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Zulu Hats or Isicholos

Zulu Hats or Isicholos
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